Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
So we think mom and dad are a bit unhappy with us.
Here is the situation. They leave the kitty food down in the bathroom and block the door with a baby gate so we can't get in and eat to our heart's content.

Well....we figured out how to get around the baby gates last week (they only lean them against the door frame as they had problems with them pulling the paint off of the walls). We figured out that we can just barely squeeze through the side, leaving the gate up and appearing that nothing is amiss.
However, dad noticed the kitty food bowl was completely empty a couple of times which made him suspicious. Of course Brutus forgot the parents were in the house and got behind the baby gate into the bathroom and got busted.
Now they put the kitty food up on the counter when they leave the house...bummer. It was nice while it lasted - that kitty food is pretty yummy!!
Gotta give the computer back to mom - she's got lots of homework to do and said we have to be good and let her study or we won't be able to go to the Pug Meetup on Saturday and we can't have that! We think she needs a break from studying and work and a day at the park with a ton of pugs is the perfect stress reliever!
Hope everyone has a good week and here is a picture just so you don't forget what we look like :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Vet Visit
Hello everyone, we commandeered the computer for mom for a brief blog.
The weekend was uneventful, we just lounged around the house all weekend and watched football on Sunday and Monday. The Bears and the Colts won so we were pretty happy.
I had my vet visit today for my yearly vaccinations. It went well except that the vet told mom and dad that I need to have my toofies cleaned and most likely have a couple pulled :( I am not looking forward to it. Brutus says I will be OK as he had a tooth cleaning last year and also had to have some teeth pulled.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The NFL season has FINALLY started (the only thing that counts in pre-season are the injuries).

Just to clarify the following photos. Dad is a Bears fan - Mom is a Patriots fan. Both have rooted for these teams for years (long before the Colts came to Indianapolis). Both Mom & Dad root for the Colts as long as they aren't playing the Bears or the Patriots.
We got some new shirts to show mom & dad's allegiances to their respective teams.
Brutus sporting his new Chicago Bears t-shirt.
Award Time and Paw it Forward...

Here are the rules for accepting this...
When accepting this award, you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans were not watching…If you have never stolen any food, you must be a really good pup!! You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward! Next add the logo of this award to your Blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving a message on their Blogs…
Let's see... Mom keeps a pretty good eye on us so we really haven't had a chance to steal any food. We are taking lessons from Roxy in this department so hopefully we will get a chance to steal some goodies real soon.
However, we have eaten our share of non-foodables. Both Brutus and I like to invade the bathroom where the kitty litter is and have our way with the treats that are left there. Mom says this is disgusting and keeps this room blocked off pretty well most of the time. We also both like to clean up kitty yak.
I have an affinity for mushrooms and grass in the back yard. Mom lets me eat grass but her and dad are careful to make sure that I don't eat any of the mushrooms - they say they are bad for me.
We have seen alot of other doggies have already gotten this award so we are not going to list any names - if you haven't received this award yet, please take it and display it proudly!
Also, we were the recipients of a Charity Paw it Forward from Lilo. She is going to donate to a great charity on our behalf - Kentuckiana Pug Rescue. We thought this was a great idea as we already have our share of toys and there are so many dogs out there needing our help. If you don't know Lilo, go check out her blog - she is one cool pug and her mom rocks!! :)
And since we don't want to leave without showing our cute and adorable selves, here we are all snuggled up our favorite Detroit Red Wings blanket - It's almost hockey season - GO WINGS!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Last Weekend....Continued
We meant to do this post earlier in the week, but it just didn't work out that way. We had a heart to heart with mom and put our paw down and told her she had to let us blog. She gave in of course - who can resist our cute pugness.

This is a sculpture that our Uncle Bryan made - It's shaped like a turtle and he made it so it would rust but the letters of our family name wouldn't - can you see the name GRIEZE spelled out?

Over Labor Day weekend we had the Pug Meetup on Saturday and then on Sunday we traveled to Fort Wayne to see Grandma & Grandpa (mom's parents). Some of mom's family camped out at Grandma & Grandpa's on Saturday night and were still there when we arrived on Sunday morning. The mosquitos were awful unless you were right by the fire.
Getting tummy rubs from Dad.
Brutus looks so serious in this photo - for those of you who don't know, mom color coordinates us, Brutus is in the black and I am in the blue.
Mom's brothers and their families. Lisa, Zoe, Ken, Anya, Katie & Rick
Mom took this cool panoramic photo - that's grandma in the pink.
Me and Grandma - I had to be careful around her since she shattered her left elbow about a month ago and it is still healing.
This is our kitty cousin Calli - she didn't care for us much. We didn't get too close since she still has her front claws.
Monday, September 7, 2009
September Meetup
We had a busy weekend. On Saturday we went to pug meetup and had a ton of fun. We got to mingle with some of our Indy Blogger friends and many more. We had a bunch of photos, but mom wouldn't let us post all of them. We did help her pick out what we thought were the best ones.

Salinger & his mom on the left. Brutus and I with Mom on the right (That's Dad's arm holding Brutus's leash)

On our way, yay!
Brutus saying hi to the camera
Fan of the Indianapolis Colts, Dallas Clark
Pug Posse member, Gus - just look at that tongue!
Snack time - me and Brutus were right up front (I have the blue leash and Brutus has the black leash). Look at all the puggies gathered around - where there is food there are pugs.
Dad and Brutus hangin' out.
Our buddy Salinger giving a toothy smile
We went and spent some time with Mom's family over the weekend too. We will blog about that later this week as mom needs the computer back to work on her homework. Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Last night mom was studying in the front room, but Brutus really wanted her to play with him. She told him that she would have plenty of time to play with him this weekend.
Would seeing this guilt any of your moms or dads into playing with you?
Brutus: "Isn't there anyone out there that wants to play with me?"

Just look at my sweet little brother Brutus just waiting with his toy and watching the world go by while waiting for mom to finish studying. He is a patient little pug, even though mom will tell you different - we always have to wait for her. What's up with that?
Here I am helping mom study

Mom says we are going to be busy this weekend - pug meetup, visiting mom's family on Saturday/Sunday and then dad's family on Labor Day.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
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