
Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, Monday...

So it's Monday and mom promised that she would help us blog today...

It's been a busy week.  Little baby sister, Pippa, got her mommy parts removed this past week -- you wouldn't guess that she had surgery as she is as rambunctious as ever!!

Here she is on the ride home from the vet's office after her surgery...

and then later at home, just resting.

I helped take care of my little sister by napping next to her.

Of course, later in the evening I had some kitties to annoy ;) while Pippa looked on.

Keeping those kitties in line sure is hard work...  I don't know why mom keeps looking at this picture and laughing while asking anyone who sees it if they want a drumstick (mom is losing it!)

All gathered in the bathroom with mom (she might get lost otherwise)

Brutus decided to sun himself...

and then we played where's Ellie!

Have a fantastic week furiends!!


  1. Were so happy you are already feeling good Pippa!
    And what wonderful assistants to keep you occupied.
    Even the kittys were trying to help

  2. Very cute! That drumstick is perfect!

  3. We are happy to hear that Pippa is feeling great
    after her surgery! That picture of Brutus sunning
    himself is too sexy!

    -Dana, Daisy & Bruce

  4. you are all so adorable! Hoping Pippa feels better soon! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  5. Great pictures ... we had to look twice to see Where's Ellie! BOL

    Glad to hear that Pippa is doing great after her operation.

    Brutus is still as adorable as ever ...

    Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

  6. You guys have been busy!!! Glad Pippa is on the mend!

    Love the Where's Ellie shot!

  7. Such great photos, I can't even chose a favorite. Glad you guys are having fun.

  8. Looks like you had a great weekend/Monday! Great pics... so nice of you guys to annoy the cats, keep mom from getting lost (who else would feed you!!!) and help Pippa heal up quickly! Good job!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Your pug's are so cute!! Looks like they had a great Monday!

    You're blog is a lot of fun! I'd love it if you'd check mine and my little pugs Winston's out!

    Happy Halloween

    Amie & Winston


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