Hewo evwybuddy - Ellie here at the puter again. Does anyone else have brudders that make fun of dem??
Yoda & Brutus keep laughing at me when I came home from da vet yesterday looking like this...

Yoda & Brutus called it da cone of shame.... whatevers... I had to wear it yesterday after going to da vet...
Mom told me that I had surgery so I wouldn't be able to have puppies since there are soooo many puppies and doggies already in the world. She also told me that they were going to shoot a laser in my nose so that I can breathe easier. I don't know what dey did, but my nose is tender and I have been having to sneeze alot.
(**mom's note - she had a Nares surgery where they hit the tissue inside each nostril with a laser to shrink back the tissue. She had tiny little nostrils and had a hard time breathing).
Anyways, mom must have felt bad for me because it wasn't too long before da cone of shame came off.... tank goodness!!! She put my little pink cupcake shirt on so that I couldn't reach and lick at the incision on my belly. Mom said that I am not supposed to run, jump, climb for 14 days - she wants to know if anyone out there has any ideas to keep me from doing all dose tings....

I was so tired... I did this most of the day...