
Friday, April 17, 2015

Ball Time!!

It's finally getting warmer out, so mom took us outside to play in the back yard....

Throw the ball!!!


Otto's got his eye on the ball

Pippa had a blast playing catch with mama!!

Gotta get dat ball!!

Brutus wasn't too interested in playing, but did enjoy spending time outside in the nice weather.

Have a great weekend furiends!!

Friday, April 3, 2015


We all know how much Ellie likes her ropes.  Well, Otto and I decided to get in on the action.

this tug of war thing is kind of fun!!

Go away Ellie, Otto and I are having fun!!! 

Ellie broke up the fun that Otto and I were having and finally got her hold on the rope. 

 .... and success -- Ellie's the happiest when she has the rope all to herself!

Happy Friday Furiends!!

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