Sorry that we have been slacking on our posts - mom is back in school and now her excuse is that she has too much homework.... whatever...
There was a bit of a commotion on our back yard a week or so back... Lots of noise and we kept hearing these thumps. Well, it turns out that mom & dad finally got someone to come out and take down the mostly dead tree behind the house. Ellie and I just didn't know what to think, but we made sure we barked the whole time at the tree cutters so they did the job right!
Mom was a little bittersweet about this tree going down. She was happy that we wouldn't have to worry anymore about the tree coming down on top of the house, but she was also sad because this was Yoda's favorite tree to pee on. It was the first one he would hit when coming out of the house and he would usually hit it again before going back in.
Here is the tree just before they climbed up and started cutting branches off...
Here all of the branches are down and the tree is ready to come down.
This thing was massive!
Mom took my picture - biggify to see me sticking my tongue out at her!
It is kind of scary how close this tree was to the house and how rotted it was....
Ellie was not impressed with any of it - just very tired from all of the barking she did...
Ellie & I hope everyone had a great weekend!! We hope to wrangle mom into helping with another blog post sometime soon!!